‹ Belgian news › : Solo competition - cover
‹ Belgian news › : Solo competition - cover

‹ Belgian news › : Solo competition

Four self-choreographed short solos puzzled in one concerned topic: « Reality or brainwashing ? ».

The idea of these short-length performances is to make a flexible format possible. All of them are built with the same energy and share a common body language which is both powerful and precise. Belgian news wants to question the way we receive informations and how we treat them by making our personal opinion. How do we use communication and perceive fake news that are mass-diffused to a large audience?

‘Belgian news‘ includes: «L’Actu en continu», «Fait divers», «Op.28 pour sourds muets», «Intox».



Choreographer and performer
Loraine Dambermont

La Brabançonne, American Brass Band - Teresina, Odjbox - Dean Martin, Midwest Selects - Herry Bar, Clark - Introduction & Rondo Capriccioso, Op.28, Jascha Heifetz & William Steinberg - Yirra-Kurl, Xavier Rudd - Delancey (Stefano Miele Balkan Carnaval Remix), Balkan Beat Box

4x2 minutes

Mostafa Herabi

Performed at
The Best Original Solo Dancer competition, Het Toneelhuis, Antwerp - September 9th 2012 - organized by Rhythm Naturals